Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Major SFDC Outage


Today there is a hackernews thread describing a major SFDC Outage.




This is the side effect of the cloud computing. An outage affects multiple businesses.









Friday, April 15, 2016

Fusion HCM: Testing Payroll templates


Oracle’s Fusion HCM cloud service uses BIP templates as part of its pay processing. When the Payoll processes are submitted, HCM does a lot of things, it generates the Pay data, and populates tables. But the final step of this process is to generate the actual payslip , and for this it invokes a BIP report. © 2016

As report designer, I often get requests to modify these reports. But to test the reports, one need not run the entire payroll process again. Simply re-running the report with the modified template will suffice. © 2016

The BIP template to modify for US is the USOnlinePayslip.


Its location is:  image

To see when it was last run, simply check the history of this report, under More-> History. Reset the query and run search.



Pick up any of the last records, and drilldown  on it. Now copy the Payroll Action Identifier from this page © 2016


Now you can go back and re-run this report with this parameter, and can see the changes of your template instantly ! Ta-da ! © 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016

Oracle Sales Cloud: Getting around OSC’s WSDL parsing , Siebel UCM


Recently working on getting Oracle Sales Cloud integrated to Siebel UCM for Accounts. Oracle Sales Cloud can read a WSDL specification from a URL, but you still have to build the request message using Groovy script (would be nice to shoot whoever designed this). So you have to use Groovy script and write a global function to build up the message. Turns out, you can only add elements and attributes to the message which is already in the parsed WSDL. Nothing new can be added. © 2016

The problem here is that for integrations to Siebel UCM, a hidden attribute named ExternalSystemId has to be populated in the incoming message. This attribute is not in the WSDL when it gets generated from Siebel UCM. But it has to be sent in the SOAP request (would also be nice to shoot whoever designed this).  © 2016

Error invoking service 'UCM Transaction Manager', method 'SOAPExecute' at step 'Transaction Manager'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
<?> Failed to find ExternalSystemId in input message(SBL-IAI-00436)


This is what you get when you consume the UCM WSDL in SOAP UI.


The actual message has to be (see highlighted changes) © 2016



If you add the groovy script to add this attribute, OSC will simply ignore it, and the attribute is not send to UCM. The only viable workaround is to Edit the WSDL AFTER it is generated, but BEFORE it is given to Sales Cloud !  © 2016

1: Generate the WSDL from UCM.

2: Open it in an XML editor , use XMLSPY if you have it. © 2016

3: Find the definition of the top container element int the WSDL: © 2016


4: Add this text (highlighted) : © 2016


<xsd:attribute name="ExternalSystemId" type="xsd:string"/>

5: Now validate, save and upload this WSDL to your public folder from where OSC can read it. OSC does not consume WSDLs, but reads the definition on the fly. © 2016

6: Now add the groovy script to populate this new attribute with the registered SystemId Name.


Phew !!


© 2016© 2016

Thursday, March 31, 2016

TCC: Handling Encoding


Aahh…multilingual. That word increases the complexity of any project intantly. When your enterprise application is multilingual, it means users will be able to add and edit data in different languages, and that the data can no longer be stored in ASII/ANSI format. East Asian, and Middle Eastern and some European languages require more than one byte for a single charachter, so it has to be stored in Unicode format. While working on Taleo’s TCC scripts, I recently hit a roadblock with multilingual data, but the fantastic folks at Taleo had already solved the problem. © 2016

TCC’s pipelines handle data in UTF-8 format, but many enterprise systems will produce output in UTF-16. So which one is better ? There is a common misconception that UTF-8 can not store all language charachters, and that UTF-16 is required. That’s not true. UTF-8 has an amazing awesome format, and it can depict every Unicode charachter, same as UTF-16. Here is a spectucular explanation of this miracle.

So if you get data in UTF-16 (or any of the other formats), how do you load them via TCC ?  In the configuration  file, TCC provides an option to set the encoding of the source file. © 2016


If you know the encoding of the source, you enter it here.  This will work for standard Import files. There is also an option to set the response encoding.


But some complicated TCC configurations, like NetChange, require the pipeline data to be in UTF-8. So how do you get around that ?

The encoding can be changed in the configuration file. Go to Pre-Processing tab, and add a new step.

There is an option to add an ‘Convert Encoding’ step. © 2016


Choose the source encoding, and set the target as UTF-8. This step has to be the first step in your NetChange configuration file.


Thats it !

Monday, March 21, 2016

Date calculations in eText templates


Aahh, eText. That most hated or Oracle templates. One area where this template really falls is in the area of date calculation, or date manipulations. Example a standard requirement is to calculate an end date, or proposed/expected end date for some transaction. Check is valid for only ..30 days from date of issue.

The official documentation does no mention any way to x number of days to dates. But if you search on supportweb, you will come across the INCREASE_DATE function.

To add 30 days to today’s date, use INCREASE_DATE(SYSDATE(),30). To substract days, use a negative number for the offset.

But that’s it, eText does not provide a way to get the month, year, or day from a date. So those will have to be calculated in whatever onpremise/cloud system is being used and the value must be present in the xml. eText also does not provide a way to add extra functions or XSLT functions in the templates, like in BIP RTF templates.



Originally published on

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sequence Numbers in eText templates


As I said earlier, Oracle’s eText template is really painful to work with. Its does not have support variables or arrays, so when the need arises to have something temporarily stored somewhere, you are lost. The one thing eText does have, is a method to generate sequence numbers. Basically you use the DEFINE_SEQUENCE command.


The define sequence command has four subcommands: reset at level, increment basis, start at, and maximum. The increment basis subcommand specifies if the sequence should be incremented based on record or extract instances. The allowed parameters for this subcommand are RECORD and LEVEL. Enter RECORD to increment the sequence for every record. Enter LEVEL to increment the sequence for every new instance of a level.

To generate the sequnce numbers, use the SEQUENCE_NUMBER function in the template.


But what if you just want to keep count of something, and not count levels or records in the data ? Just leave out the INCREMENT_BASIS completely.


So now, whenever SEQUENCE_NUMBER function is called, the current value will be printed, and the counter will be increased by 1. This happens everytime the function is invoked.

There are some payment interfaces where the number has to be incremented in steps of 5 or 10. For example, one of the ADP checkprinter format template requires a counter to start at 30, and be incremented in steps of 5. So its 30, 35, 40, 45…

To do that the SEQUENCE_NUMBER function should be used with some mathematics.




Originally published on