Monday, February 6, 2012

eScript–Nested ‘with’ has problems in

Recently we had the friendly guys from Oracle come over and review our current project. Over the years, we have had review comments coming from such reviews and now know what to expect. But this time, there was a new entry in the document.
Siebel eScript developers and basically anyone who has worked on ECMA style languages must have used the ‘with’ statement. The with statement assigns a default object to a statement block, so you need to use the object name with its properties and methods. Its makes coding easier when you need to do multiple actions on the same object. But nesting with statements , it seems, is not a good idea if you are planning to upgrade to version which came out last year.
The With statement structure indicates that all methods within its block will be based primarily on the indicated object. When With blocks are nested, it is not immediately obvious which object’s method will be invoked. The code execution may not do what the developer intended.
If the script remains unchanged prior to upgrading to, there is a known defect where runtime errors will occur. Although this is currently considered a defect and intended to be corrected, nested With blocks are not a recommended scripting practice. All of the methods invoked in the second With block would also work on the object in the first With block. In this script, the developer was actually done using the firstbc object prior to starting the nested With, but simply chose not to close the block.
Now oracle says that :It is not recommended to nest With blocks. The first With block should be close prior to initiating a new With block or the object variables should always be used.
Now we have used countless nested with statements it handle complex business logic, and have never faced an issue. But we are now rewriting the code eliminating nested withs and using the complete object names. This is because we do have plans to upgrade some time in future, and its best to steer clear of rework then.

Update: Oracle SRs are here and here