Friday, June 4, 2010

See all developer logins in Siebel

I wanted to see all users who had localdbs on our server.


select * from user_role_privs


..will list all the users roles. The user with SSE_ROLE permissions are registered developers, and they could have local dbs.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

'Transaction Updated' is a required field. Please enter a value for the field.(SBL-DAT-00498)(SBL-EAI-04389)


'Transaction Updated' is a required field.  Please enter a value for the field.(SBL-DAT-00498)(SBL-EAI-04389)


This error occurs if there are system fields explicitly specified in the Business Component used to insert data into Siebel tables. Find the BC behind the integration object, and check if fields like Created or Updated are mentioned there. Inactivate them and it should work fine.


Lost....last season...watching it now on Star World

Many years ago, while still in college, I got to know about the television series LOST. Apparently, the first season had finished airing in the US and he had downloaded the episodes. And I got hooked. It gave a whole new interpretation of the phrase:stranded on an island. I loved the fact that the story was happening in present time, and despite all the advancements in technology, the survivors were stuck with no outside help. I guessed that the whole saga would last 2 seasons at most, because soon they would run out of ideas, and help would come from outside.



Now I am watching the last season of the saga on star world. Somewhere in between , the show lost its focus. There are more questions still waiting to be answered. Looots of extra characters came in from nowhere . And loads of them disappeared. Its not as hooking as the first season was. My favorite character was Charlie, the character played by Dominic Monaghan. I loved his background and how he came to the island. And till date, the story of his death is the one that hurt me most on the show. The episode “Greatest Hits” is my favourite. Charlie writes down the greatest moments of his life, when he realizes that his death is near. There are moments which seem trivial to others, but for Charlie, it has changed something in his life.


If I make a list of my top 5 greatest moments..I dunno what would turn up. Maybe the first time I rode my cycle ? When my sister was born ? When I landed and lost my first job ? Definitely the day I finally got rid of college.



Anyway, I don’t think I will take anything else from LOST except this idea of Greatest Hits.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Testing image uploading HTML

This is my icon for a SIF file




And here is the map of the internet







Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Skype for Symbian OS Rocks !!

Skype for Symbian OS Rocks !!

Today I made my first skype to skype call on my symbian series 3 phone. And although the call quality was not that good, I couldn't believe that I hadn't thought of this before.

I had started using skype some time back, when I used its free skype to skype calling facility to call home. Wonderful service, simple user iterface and absolutely free. How I wished a similiar service would come to wifi enabled phones.

A couple of weeks back, NOKIA released Skype for Symbian series 3 for free downoad on OVI store. The app could be installed on symbian phones and using wifi or 3G, could connect and make calls just like the desktop version. I ran home, connected and downloaded the installation.

Now I knew for some time that my neighours had WiFi hub, and if I could just get a leeetle bit of that signal, I could test it out.

And today, I asked my friend Az to come online on Skype. Connected to WiFi and launced Skype. It took me some time to find out the optimal signal strength, but it did work beautifully. We spoke for some time to test out the quality. Along with calls, instant messaging also works, and all the bells and whistles are included.

Go ahead, get skype for symbian from here :

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spotted...vehicel bumper message

Today I was travelling in an auto, and came across a truck ,with this message for the vehicle behind.

"Jeevikkan anuvadikku..."

Translation from malayalam .... "Let me live.." !

Looks like roads in kerala are not what they used to be.