Siebel has some issues consuming WSDLs which had a little complicated schema structure. Like cyclic references. That is when one of the children elements of a complextype is the same complextype again.
In this example schema, element "LineItemARBOType" has a child of type "LineItemARBOType" again.
This WSDLs poses no problem when consumed into a programming language like .NET or Java, because the parser simply creates a class and references itself in it. But these kind of WSDLs were not supported in Siebel. Trying to import a WSDL with cyclic references would result in this error from tools.:
There are no web service definitions to be generated.(SBL-EAI-04340)Following are warnings generated in the process:
Service 'xx' can not be imported, because none of its ports could be imported.(SBL-EAI-04333)
Port 'xx' can not be imported. PortType 'xx' can not be imported. The 'xx' was ignored. Error importing XML schema via method 'xx' for 'element' 'xx' in 'xx'(SBL-EAI-08009)
Cycle detected in the 'xx' schema: xx 'xx' has a cycle (SBL-EAI-09008).
But turns out, Oracle has fixed this issue in IP2014 ( release of Siebel. Via bug:Bug 10539615. WSDLs with cyclic references can be consumed into tools IP2014 and upwards. But it creates hundred of integration component entries (sometimes even thousands).