Showing posts with label escript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label escript. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Siebel 8 Script Libraries


Quick question; will the following code snippet work ?

Business Service : BS1, contains only this code

function function1 ()
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("function1  triggered");

There is no code in any other event/function of this BS. And now, the attempt is to trigger this BS via the following code:

var bs = TheApplication().GetService("BS1");

Now there is something wrong about the second code snippet, right ? This is not the usual way to invoke a Business Service Method.  The practise is to use the InvokeMethod command, passing property sets for input and output.  But here is the output of running these in Siebel 8



This is an example of Script Libraries feature from Siebel 8 onwards. Developers can write multiple functions in business services, and then these functions get exposed , and the functions can be invoked directly as you would do on C/C++/Java. There is no need of adding code in  Service_PreInvokeMethod  event to expose the functions.

There are limitations though, such a business service’s functions can be invoked only via scripting. They cannot be used in WFs or BRPs. But if your functionality calls for lots of scripting, this feature surely comes in handy.


The ever friendly Oli has been posting some really tricky pieces of code for his code challenges. Head over there to learn scripting mistakes that creep up in code.

Happy Scripting !

Friday, March 9, 2012

View Refresh when clicking New Record in a view with Dynamic Toggle


Dynamic toggle applets were probably the first piece of automation a Siebel developer gets to work on; switch the applet depending on some field value. No scripting, nothing at the BusComp level, just Applet toggles. But issues crop in when the logged in user tries to create new record on the applet. Sometimes the view jumps or refreshes, specially when there are lots of applets stacked in the view. The user has to manually scroll down back to this target applet.

Oracle has a work around for this ‘defect’ documented here [ID 541100.1] , which involves loads of scripting at the applet and BusComp level. But I tried to come up with something with fewer lines of code.

Resulting solution: add the following code in the WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod section of the base applet as well as its toggle applets:


if (MethodName == "NewRecord")
return (CancelOperation);


Yep, I know, the code does not make sense at all. But for some reason, it works ! The view does not jump and the new record gets created right there in the applet. At at just 3 lines of code, it beats oracles long and elaborate code version.

Monday, February 6, 2012

eScript–Nested ‘with’ has problems in

Recently we had the friendly guys from Oracle come over and review our current project. Over the years, we have had review comments coming from such reviews and now know what to expect. But this time, there was a new entry in the document.
Siebel eScript developers and basically anyone who has worked on ECMA style languages must have used the ‘with’ statement. The with statement assigns a default object to a statement block, so you need to use the object name with its properties and methods. Its makes coding easier when you need to do multiple actions on the same object. But nesting with statements , it seems, is not a good idea if you are planning to upgrade to version which came out last year.
The With statement structure indicates that all methods within its block will be based primarily on the indicated object. When With blocks are nested, it is not immediately obvious which object’s method will be invoked. The code execution may not do what the developer intended.
If the script remains unchanged prior to upgrading to, there is a known defect where runtime errors will occur. Although this is currently considered a defect and intended to be corrected, nested With blocks are not a recommended scripting practice. All of the methods invoked in the second With block would also work on the object in the first With block. In this script, the developer was actually done using the firstbc object prior to starting the nested With, but simply chose not to close the block.
Now oracle says that :It is not recommended to nest With blocks. The first With block should be close prior to initiating a new With block or the object variables should always be used.
Now we have used countless nested with statements it handle complex business logic, and have never faced an issue. But we are now rewriting the code eliminating nested withs and using the complete object names. This is because we do have plans to upgrade some time in future, and its best to steer clear of rework then.

Update: Oracle SRs are here and here

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scripting and Task Based UIs

Siebel 8's task based user interface (TBUI) is a nifty feature, but it still needs some more polishing though. A really simple looking requirement came up the other day, and I was surprised that there was no out of box feature I knew to support it.

The requirement was to conditionally disable tasks in the Task View pane applet. The Task Groups have to be associated with the triggering views, and when the logged in user enables the tasks by clicking on its button, an applet opens up in the UI on the left side, always showing all the tasks associated with the current opened view.

Now we wanted to conditionally disable certain tasks depending upon the user's position, and there was no way of achieving this. On searching on the bookshelf, I found a way to trigger the task  from script.

if (name == "Test")
var inputPropSet;
var outputPropSet;
var taskUIsvc;
inputPropSet = theApplication().NewPropertySet();
outputPropSet = theApplication().NewPropertySet();
taskUIsvc = theApplication().GetService("Task UI Service (SWE)");
inputPropSet.SetProperty("TaskName","Create a Contact");
the outputPropSet is created. outputPropSet is not used to send results back to the task UI--!>
return ("CancelOperation");

So now, instead of showing the tasks in the task pane applet,  we trigger it from scripts behind buttons in the UI. We have buttons for different tasks, and the buttons themselves are enabled/disabled based on positions.

I'm hoping Siebel provides an vanilla way of achieving conditional task enabling/disabling in the UI soon.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Differentiating New Record & Update Record

There are cases when a particular data validation or Business  Process invocation should only occur when  a new record is being written down to the database, but not when an existing record is being updated. Or it may be the other way around, but the Siebel developer has to figure out what operation is happening.  I have found many ways these can be achieved, here are my favourite three.

1.       Using a Boolean flag in script.  This is how I first implemented such a scenario.  I was new to Siebel and hadn't yet mastered all the scripting events .  Easiest way out seemed to declare a Boolean flag in the declarations section of the Buscomp server script, and giving it a default value of false. Then in NewRecord  event,  this flag should be turned to true. Finally, in the PreWriteRecord or WriteRecord event, the value of this flag could be checked, and new records can be differentiated fromo exisiting records.

2.       RunTime events. This is a No-Scripting approach to the same problem. In Runtime events, if you select the buscomp events supported, it can be seen that Siebel now provides three events for WriteRecord operation :

·         WriteRecord : Triggered everytime after records are committed.

·         WriteRecordNew : Triggered only when new records are committed.

·         WriteRecordUpdated: Triggered only when existing records are updated.

But these events only occur AFTER the records are committed. They can't be used to do validation/invocation before records are committed.

3.       IsNewRecordPending. This is a new specialised Busines Component Method, meant for EBCs, documented here.  But on trying the command out, I found that it works perfectly well in normal business components as well.  This method can be invoked from any other event in BC level, but it only makes sense to invoke it in the PreWriteRecord section.

var isNewRecord = this.InvokeMethod("IsNewRecordPending");

This way new records can be differentiated from old records before they are committed to the system.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Validating multiple Datamappers

We were facing these strange error during ADM import on target system:

Source component % does not exist.(SBL-EAI-04063)

This was coming when we tried to import the datamappers inot target system.We follow a continous deveopment model with numerous integrations, and the external IOs for them keep on changing. The problem occurred because the new WSDL imported did not contain some IC levels which were developed and mapped earlier. But the problem was complicated because now we did not know which datamapper to check.

Now there is a very useful button which could help us here. On the Datamap administration view, there is a validate button on the top applet. It checks the structure of the mapped IOs with the ones compiled into the SRF and threw up validation errors. For some time now I have been wondering the functionality behind this button.
I found this in the Siebel log files when the button was clicked:

Begin: Business Service 'EAI Data Transformation Engine' invoke method: 'Validate'

But if you check the definition of this BS in tools, you will not fin the Validate method. But after a little more tweaking, I was able to figure out the input parameters. One thing I found was that if the Datamap is valid, the BS does not return or throw any message, and if there is any validation error, it throws an exception. Hence if multiple datamps need to be validated, the try catch loop must be put inside a loop. I wrote a simple script at client side services which validates multiple datamaps in one go. The search spec can be modified according to your project requirements.

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
var oBCDataMap = "";
var sMessage= "";
var iCount = 0;
oBCDataMap = TheApplication().GetBusObject("EAI Data Map").GetBusComp("EAI Object Map");
oBCDataMap.SetSearchSpec("Source Object Name","*");
var oBSDTE = TheApplication().GetService("EAI Data Transformation Engine");
var psInput = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var psOutput = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var bIsRecord = oBCDataMap.FirstRecord()
sMessage = sMessage + oBCDataMap.GetFieldValue("Name") + ":" +e.toString() + "\r";
iCount = iCount + 1;
bIsRecord = oBCDataMap.NextRecord();

sMessage == "" ? TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(iCount + " Datamaps validated successfully.") : TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(sMessage);
return (CancelOperation);

When the code is execute, it validates all Datamaps using the EAI Data Transformation Engine BS's Validate method, and presents the errors in a message box.

You can hit Ctrl-C now to copy this message, and paste this in notepad.
AMSRefData_ServiceCenter:Parent component map 'q' not found.(SBL-EAI-04061)
AMSRefData_Service_Func:Parent component map 'q' not found.(SBL-EAI-04061)
What'ya think ?